Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Warning Signs

One afternoon when I was in the fourth grade I was playing at recess when our first bell rang. I had been playing alone, and was on the other side of the blacktop from my classroom. I started running toward my classroom, knowing I probably wouldn't make it before the second bell rang, meaning it'd be tardy.

As I was running and worrying about what my teacher would say, I got what I can only describe as a feeling that part of my lung had somehow gotten stuck inbetween two of my ribs. It was a sharp, deep pinching feeling, that I had started getting quite frequently. I did the only thing that I knew would make it go away. I stopped, kneeled over a bit, squeezed where the pain was coming from, and screamed as loud as I could.

The squeezing tightened and tightened until it was almost unbareable and then POP. It was gone. I don't know why I didn't tell anyone what I had been experiencing. It had become somewhat normal to me, I'd forget about the sensation as soon as it passed. I would later find out that my body was trying to tell me something very important. But what did I care?

I just didn't want to be late to class.

(to be continued)

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