Monday, December 1, 2008

Spare Time

I don’t want to go back to work at UCP. I tell my co-workers how much I miss them, which I do, but I do not in any way miss the “eight to five” life I was living. For one reason, it was draining me of all the energy that I wanted to use to discover my true passion. I wanted to answer the giant childhood question of “what do I want to be when I grow up?” which has been transformed in my adult years to “what can I have fun doing and get paid for?”
Now I find myself through unfortunate circumstance in the fortunate position of having some extra time on my hands, a few doctor-ordered months of healing that I can also use to write a business plan or take some online courses. Of course I mentioned this to my good friend and Pastor, Bill, and he throws it all out the window. A book. He thinks I should write a book.
What about? Who would read it? How can I guarantee it’d be a money-maker? I don’t know. All I know is I’ve never had much faith in myself but I’ve always had a lot of faith in Bill. So if he thinks I can write a book then what the heck. I’ll try and write a book.
Of course the most important man in my life, my husband Adam, doesn’t like my writing style. So don’t you think I have that statement on repeat in my mind as I try to write anything? Thanks for the comment – jerk. Yet he says he thinks I’d write an interesting book and that he’d read it. Still, I can’t help but hear “it’s just not my style”.
Why do I need so much validation? I guess I want some assurance that I could make a living as an artist – any kind of artist – and it looks like writing is my best chance at doing that.
So we’ll have to see how it goes. I just have no idea where to start and I don’t want to waste this time I’m being given. I’ve wasted enough time as it is.


greengras said...

Why not take an online class about writing/publishing your own work as well as writing a book?

This is your time to do what you really, really want. Of course it would be great if what you do is an amazing success but I would imagine there is tremendous satisfaction in putting it out there in print.

There are no guarantees, either about what will succeed or about the time we have here on earth. So I hope you can take this God-given moment and do what gives you the greatest sense of purpose and meaning and what just might make a big difference in a lot of other lives.

Question: Have you ever read any of the "Strengths-Finder" books? Inside each book is a code that you can use to go online and do a 30-minute self-test that will tell you a great deal about your "super-powers."

alicia messinger said...

Thank you for the comment, Greengras. I'll have to check out those books.