Monday, December 1, 2008

Popcorn with Deborah

Thinking about life and popping some popcorn one evening, I looked down at my roommate’s youngest daughter, Deborah. She was one or two and not so interested in my concerns but much more in the smell coming from our microwave. I filled up a big bowl and we plopped down on the kitchen floor, leaning our backs against the fridge. While we munched away I confessed to her my deepest concern – that I will die and no one will remember my life. I pondered out loud about my obsessions with blogging and photography and various ways of “evidence building”, not trusting that anyone else was noticing all the little things that I love about people, about God and mostly about myself.
Sure, there would be a funeral. People would cry and say nice things about me. But does anyone know that when no one is around, I sing all the time? Do they know my favorite songs to sing are “What’ll I do?” and “Desperado?” Do they know why?
I spend hours in photo shoots capturing the best features of my friends’ faces and bodies, but does anyone own a single beautiful picture of me? At least one taken in the last 4 years? How will I even make a slideshow for my own funeral if no one ever takes any pictures of me? I started out such a cute and interesting person – everything well documented. When did I start feeling so forgettable that I would have to tell people what to remember about me? And when did I become so selfish to think that my life matters so much that people throughout time should remember me at all.
I’m told it’s a normal feeling. But that’s the last thing I want to think of myself as being.


anabeau said...

Oh, Eish, The last words I would use to describe you are normal and forgettable. You are neither. Plain and simple. And I knew you way more than four years ago! It's kind of hard to forget a girl who is faced with such difficulties and just doesn't let it stand in her way. It's one thing to see stories on TV and read them in Reader's Digest. It's another to have had that life touch yours. I can honestly say that my life would be way different if we hadn't been friends in H.S. Thank you, Miss Eish, for being at least in the top 5 of my hero list.

alicia messinger said...

Erin, you are too sweet!